Proof and evidence

Hello dear participants of this forum. Give me idea please
When do you use “Proof” and when “evidence”
Terminator :evil:
Thank you.

Hi Terminator,

Evidence is your basis for belief or disbelief, it is the knowledge you can base your belief on. There can be an indication that might lead to a conclusion but evidence doesn’t necessarily have to be an actual fact.

Proof on the other hand is more concrete, it based on facts that help to establish the truth of something.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: When will we get our bonuses?[YSaerTTEW443543]


Even a chain of evidence cannot make one proof, after I write this sentence, I come to the closing evidence that somehow I disagree with you torsen.

I think torsen that I made it evident.

You have yet to understand the term ‘proof’ Nabil.

I have a master degree in mathematics, and today a robotBee teaches me what a proof is.

Are they English sentences, robot caller and nonsentence maker?

Haihao :wink:

Nabil, this is not about math. For that matter, I could tell Bees and Torsten they’re both wrong because “proof” means a sheet of paper intended for proofreading in the publishing world.

We found the suspect’s hair at the scene, so we believe he did it.
(Yes, you can find enough evidence to prove eventually that someone did something.)

The video from the store showed the suspect commit the robbery.

A pilot landed a plane that was thought to be nearly impossible to save from destruction. Thus, I believe in God.

What goes up must come down. Gravity exists.

I wish I had managed to teach you about proof. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that you have learned what it is, as you seem to think that what you have produced constitutes proof, when it has been made up by you.

Indeed, you could Mordant, though in turn we would remind you that ‘proof’ has more than one meaning, and I have no doubt that you would accept that as true.

Unfortunately Nabil’s only truths appear to be the ones he has made up for himself.

Hi Mordant ,

I liked very much your example :
What goes up must come down. Gravity exists.

Precisely, that is just what I meant by my sentence but yours is better:

Even a chain of evidence cannot make one proof, after I write this sentence, I come to the closing evidence that somehow I disagree with you torsen. I think torsen that I made it evident.

I sought a sentence that prove in paradoxical way the entanglement of Proof and Evidence.but always yours is better.

I’d like to weigh in on the discussion.
Being an avid fan of CSI as I am, I know that CSIs collect evidence (not proof) at crime scenes, and evidence serves as proof that perpetrators have commited the crimes they are accused of.
There’s also the burden of proof and it usually lies with the accuser or claimant and this means that the accuser (the prosecutor for instance) must prove the verasity of the accusations.

Evidence is material, it is immutable, factual, independent of your interpretation.
Proof is based on evidence and it has to do with logic, it is what you make of the evidence you have, a chain of conclusions you make based on the evidence. It is usually subjective.

This is becoming a theoretical debate, and really our main purpose should be real-world use. A compelling body of evidence erasing doubt is often seen as proof. That’s what people need to know if they want a fuller grasp of the word.