Pronunciation of the word 'Sciatica'


In Pakistan almost 99% of people pronounce the word ‘Sciatica’ as sh-a-tee-ka. My main concern is the first sh as in she. Could you please tell me if it is also correct? Isn’t the start of the word same as in science?


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As in ‘science’, yes: [sai’atik9].

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I was surprised to hear the /sīˈadəkə/ pronunciation. I have always heard it with the “sh” sound. I’m from Pakistan. :slight_smile:


I’ve mostly heard it pronounced with a silent C, similar to ‘sign’. (AmE)

I have heard people pronounce it with a hard C like ‘sky’. I suspect they had never heard it said before and were only guessing from the spelling. It’s a word that probably a lot of people don’t know.