[praxis argumentative essay] attedning college immediately after high-school

Young people who attend college immediately after high-school often lack a clear sense of direction and seriousness about learning. Before hurrying into college, it’s better to get a taste of the real world by working or serving in the military for a few years.

I disagree with the statement that young people are better to get working experiences before attending college. This is because even though when they attend college right away, they could not be serious about the studying, by experiencing a variety of activities and having a good relationship with various people in college, they could not only improve their simple interest related to majors to be more professional, but also set their future goals more specifically and productively.

First of all, college education includes a lot of activities, not only academic activities such as attending lecture class, discussion class but also social activities by participating special festivals and meetings, so students have many chances to discover their interests and develop their talents by attending college. If people start working without any consideration concerning their interests, and abilities, it might be difficult to last the work for a long time. However, by experiencing a lot of things in college, people can have enough time to think about themselves seriously and through this time, they can become more likely to focus on their major and develop their ability much more professionally.

Students who study in college have much more opportunities to meet various influencers related to their major. From getting relationships with various people who is working in the same field, students can receive a lot of realistic advice from them, and also it can have a huge impact on setting their future goals more specifically and productively. Let me bring up my personal experience when I set my future goal by receiving good advice from my seniority. When I was really worried about the next step after graduation, one of my seniority gave me realistic advice based on her personal experience in the same field. If I could’ve not attended college, I would’ve not received this great advice from her and I would’ve spent a lot of time to decide my next step.

In conclusion, even though starting study in college without serious and precise goals seems too much hurry because it can be wasting time and money, various activities and relationship in college could make students to be more successful in their future. Therefore, I think after high-school, it is better to attend college for students.


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