porcine virus - N1H1

hello every body
i want to know your opinion in this new virus that we have now in the world and how your countries are doing to control and to avoid to their people to be attcked by it i wish that god bless all of you from it
waiting your comments


See this thread for discussions about the swine flu.

It’s basically just media sensationalism. It is nothing.

Also, note that it’s commonly called the swine flu, not the porcine flu. Its clinical name is influenza A(H1N1). It’s not even a new virus, it was first identified in 1930.

It seems that the recent N1H1 flu virus is spreading world wide very quickly.

:frowning: Doesn’t that mean there exists a chemical mechanism for a complex molecule to demand it be replicated and then exhaled from its host?

Many other diseases seem to have the same capability. Is the chemical mechanism for replication essentially the same?

Could that mechanism be used to replicate all manner of complex compounds?

Is anyone looking for this feature in viruses?

Just think how this virus is going to enjoy itself in South Africa with the Soccer Confederation Cup. People from all over the world are going to fly in. Sit in packed stadiums and then fly back to where they all came from. Spreading this decease is going to happen even quicker than what a lot of people think. But again, money overrules all. And you don’t want to end up in a hospital in SA, believe me. And what about the soccer world cup 2010?? Hope they are sorted by then. Our airports don’t even have heat (temperature) scanners yet.

First of all, there are two other threads on this topic already.

See here and here for the other threads, the first one of which YOU started.

Secondlly, it’s media sensationalism, it’s on the decline, and it actually affected very few people, in terms of what a virus is capable of doing.