Please turn up/down the air conditioning

Please turn up the air conditioning.
Does it mean the temperature in the room will be colder?

Conversely, does “Please turn down the air conditioning” mean the reverse?



We don’t say ‘turn up the air conditioning’ We say ‘turn up the air conditioner’ or ‘turn up the AC’ which means 'turn up the speed of the fan. The faster the fan, the more cool air it’ll produce. The slower the fan the less cool air it will produce.


Could you please explain.

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I’ve been a native English speaker for over 60 years and I don’t have a solid answer. People say it both ways, which can sometimes be confusing.

To turn up the A/C can mean more of it (colder), or It could mean a higher temperature. Most commonly turn up the A/C means colder, and turn down the A/C means warmer. However sometimes we hear it the other way around. If there is any doubt, people will just ask.


@Kohyoongliat, you have brought up one of the great controversies of our civilization - at least at my house.

Does “turn up the air conditioner “ mean turn down the thermostat so that the AC runs more and the temperature decreases, or does it mean to turn up the thermostat so that the temperature increases.
I just asked my wife, and she said the second case.

To be clear, I always ask, “Do you want it warmer or cooler?”

Thankfully, “Turn up the heat” does not present a problem.