Please review my essay: it is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends

It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends. (Agree/Disagree)

Friendship is one of the evolutionary relationships that every human being possesses. People are usually in a constant motion of making new friends and connections. While some people believe that we should refrain from making new friends and concentrate more on retaining our old friendship, others strongly disagree. Personally, I believe that making new friends is an important process that contributes to a person in many ways.

First, people’s interests, outlook and plans change as time passes. This transformation and development in personality make it difficult to continue a friendship with someone. For example, when I was a child, I had two best friends from my neighbourhood. We spent an immense amount of time together playing games, studying, watching moves and generally enjoying our childhood. When we finished high school, two of my friends decided to dive into a bustling working life, at the same time, I chose to continue my academic path. Notwithstanding our persistence to retain the friendship, it, eventually, unravelled because our views had completely changed over time.

Second, in situations when friends are isolated from each other geographically, it is nearly impossible to keep only old friends without making new ones. Whenever people immigrate or go to study in another country, making new friends could act as a remedy for a cultural shock that a person undergoes. Moreover, new friends can help to adapt to a new environment more quickly and understand better a new culture, traditions and language.

Third, new friends have completely unexplored personalities with unique ideas, knowledge and experience. We can learn a lot from their past experiences, exchange our ideas with them and get a valuable piece of advice. In addition, we can make friends with someone who has the same ambitions and plans for the future so that we could achieve these goals together by cooperating.

To sum up, I think that we can have numerous advantages by making new friends because they guide us in difficult times, help to adapt faster and expand our ideas and outlook.


Hello again, @Oybeka98! Another great essay, as well as some really good points. I actually agree with most of what you’ve stated here.

Literally the only thing I would change in the entire piece is the following:

Notwithstanding our persistence to retain the friendship, it, eventually, unravelled because our views had completely changed over time.

I’d remove the commas around “eventually.” They force an unnecessary pause when reading, especially since the sentence flows so well without it.

Other than that, you could certainly take my own place at the forum with your skill level!


Thank you, Sumejja!
Woow, that’s a great compliment from you too :slight_smile:

I WILL try my best to help this forum’s users.