please rate my essay!

Should people do things they do not like?

Human’s, are very peculiar in their likes and dislikes. Different people have diverse varieties of flavors and preferences. Some people, may be sociable and may like going out, while others may be introvert and reserve. Personally, I am a versatile person and I love doing different things. I have practiced a lot of things that I do not like. Eventually, I have learned them and some of them are became my best hobbies.

First, doing the things one do not likes, actually makes one know what actually the thing is. Humans have a tendency to choose things based on their appearances. They do not have an ‘actual insight’, while choosing a thing. By doing those things, one would know more about that thing. It will increase the knowledge of that particular thing.
It would broaden the horizons of knowledge. For Example, If one does not like pets, one can still give a try to have a pet. One may come to know the immense benefits that a pet possesses, like protection, time pass, etc. However, if one would not take an initiative to bring a pet in house, one would always have a phobia for a pet. In this way having pets would mature one’s opinion about pets. This is true for other dislikes too.

Second, by doing the things one do not like, one would be more handful in ‘comparing and contrasting’ the different things Every thing has merits and demerits. Trying bad things would give you reason and courage to stop others from doing them. For Example, It is a well known fact, that smoking is bad habit. However, if a person explores it by actually smoking, he would come to know why it is unhealthy? Smoking takes a lot of effort from lungs and tastes bad. One can help others in quitting smoking habit by mentioning these facts. A person, who has smoked only once, would be able to feel why it is bad. He would be able to compare healthy and unhealthy habits. That person would have an consolidated reason to dislike smoking.

Third, a thing which one do not likes may become a “everyday routine” which may be beneficial. Some years ago, I hated reading newspaper. I started reading newspaper for getting some academically relevant information for my admissions. Within a few weeks, it developed into a habit. I improved my general knowledge and English to a considerable extent with reading newspaper. I got my job because, I had a sound reasoning skill and English knowledge. Reading, has endowed me these merits. At present, I am not able to start my day without reading newspaper. In this way, my dislikes became my likes. Eventually, they become an essential part of my life and benefited me too. So, one should not be parochial and finicky in likings. It is always better to be overt and adventurous in order to explore various things.

By above stated facts and opinions, I would quote that doing things that we do not like, would improve our knowledge, provide us ability to compare and contrast and sometimes may develop into a useful hobby. So It would be an beneficial practice.

TOEFL listening discussions: What problem does the student have?

Should people do things they do not like?

Humans are very peculiar in their likes and dislikes. Different people have diverse varieties of flavoUrs and preferences. Some people may be sociable and may like going out, while others may be introvert and reserveD. Personally, I am a versatile person and I love doing different things. I have practiced a lot of things that I do not REALLY like. Eventually, I have learned them and some of them HAVE becOme my FAVOURITE hobbies.

First, doing the things one doES not like, actually makes one know what actually the thing actually is. Humans have a tendency to choose things based on their appearances. They do not have an ‘actual insight’ while choosing a thing. By doing those things, one would know more about that thing. It will increase the knowledge of that particular thing.
It would broaden the horizons of knowledge. For example, If one does not like pets, one can still give a try AT havING a pet. One may come to know the immense benefits that a pet possesses, like protection, THE passING OF TIME, etc. However, if one would not take THE initiative AND bring a pet inTO THEIR house, one would always have a phobia for petS. In this way having pets would mature one’s opinion about pets. This is true for other dislikes too.

Second, by doing the things one doES not like, one would be more EXPERIENCED in ‘comparing and contrasting’ the different things(.) (Everything) has merits and demerits. Trying bad things would give you reason and courage to stop others from doing them. For example, it is a well known fact that smoking is bad habit. However, if a person explores it by actually smoking, he would come to know why it is unhealthy(.) Smoking takes a lot of HEALTH AND FLEXIBILITY from YOUR lungs and IT tastes bad. One can help others in quitting THE smoking habit by mentioning these facts. A person, who has smoked only once, would be able to feel why it is bad. He would be able to compare healthy and unhealthy habits. That person would have A consolidated reason to dislike smoking.

Third, a thing which one doES not like may become aN “everyday routine” which may be beneficial. Some years ago, I hated reading newspaper. I started reading newspaper for getting some academically relevant information for my admissions. Within a few weeks, it developed into a habit. I improved my general knowledge and English to a considerable extent BY reading newspaperS. I got my job because I had a sound reasoning skill and English knowledge. Reading has endowed me WITH these merits. At present, I am not able to start my day without reading A newspaper. In this way, my dislikes became my likes. Eventually, they become an essential part of my life and benefited me too. So, o One should not be parochial and finicky in likings. It is always better to be overt and adventurous in order to explore various things.

By THE above stated facts and opinions, I would quote that doing things that we do not like would improve our knowledge, provide us WITH THE ability to compare and contrast and sometimes may develop into a useful hobby. So,it would be A beneficial practice.
This was good work my friend. I am happy that you confirm that you have gained much experience by reading English newspapers. It shows in your writing.

Kitos. 8/10

Hi Kitos
Thanks for the feedback. I am still not satisfied with my writing. Tell me the flaws in my writing in general.
I had been getting a constant score from you. I have, only a few days left in TOEFL. I would really appreciate if you provide some suggestions to improve further.