Please rate my eassy ...Thank you very much in advance.

Respected Proff. Kitosdad
Happy Teachers day
Accutaly in India, we are celebrating teachers’ day as today is the birthday of our
President which is observed as a teachers’ day because he was a staunch believer of education and was one of the most well known diplomant scholar and above all a teacher.
Sir : Please rate my essay.
Topic: Teacher should be paid accordingly to how much their students learn.

Teacher, who teaches and imparts knowledge to such an extent that a learner becomes a man of his own perceptions, A true teacher never discriminates among all his students. He treats every one with the same eye. Teacher is like a potter, who, while giving the shape to the pot, holds gently from inside and hits on it from outside but compassionately. H is aim is just form the future of his students. It depends on the students, how much they put an effort to pursue the knowledge provided by their teachers. Definitely hard work and consistency is required to reach the level of success. Every student must focus or engross while teacher is teaching the particular topic.
Many students study at the eleventh hour of the exam. Teacher is to be blamed if they fail. They must keep in mind that they are going to make their own career. They have to own their own life. On the other hand, we should not forget that everyone has his own potential or ability to do the task or secure good marks. All the students should not be judged with the same parameters. It requires analytical judgment. Hence teachers are not responsible, how much their students have learnt. So teachers should not be paid accordingly how much their students learn, rather, they should be paid in accordance to their own aptitude and knowledge.

TOEFL listening discussions: Why does the student visit the registrar’s office?

Respected Proff. Kitosdad
Happy Teachers day
Actually in India, we are celebrating teachers’ day(,) as today is the birthday of our
President AND TODAY is observed as a teachers’ day(,) because he was a staunch believer of education and was one of the most well known diplomaTIC scholarS(,) and above all a teacher.
Sir : Please rate my essay.
Topic: TeacherS should be paid according to how much their students learn.

TeacherS ARE THOSE PEOPLE who teach and impart knowledge to such an extent that a learner becomes a man of his own perceptions(.) A true teacher never discriminates among all his students. He treats every one with the same REGARD. A teacher is like a potter, who, while giving the shape to the pot, holds gently from inside and hits it ON THE outside but WITH compassion. His aim is TO just form the future of his students. It depends on the students, how much they put an effort INto pursuING the knowledge provided by their teachers. Definitely hard work and consistency is required to reach the level of success. Every student must focus or engross THEMSELVES while THEIR teacher is teaching the particular topic.
Many students study at the eleventh hour of the exam. Teacher is NOT to be blamed if they fail. They must keep in mind that they are going to make their own career. They have to CONTROL their own life.

On the other hand, we should not forget that everyone has his own potential or ability to do the task or secure good marks. All the students should not be judged with the same parameters. It requires analytical judgEment. Hence teachers are not responsible FOR how much their students have learnt. So teachers should not be paid according TO how much their students learn, rather, they should be paid in accordance to their own aptitude and knowledge.
Good morning Neelam. It is very nice to see you progressing so well. Keep it up.

Kitos. 8.5/10

Thank you Sir
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