Please help me check if I'm going okay with this topic

Hi, guys.
I was confused with this topic while writing.
Anyone can help me if it’s okay or not in terms of coherence or progression?
Thanks in advance:)

Some people argue that the media, such as TV, the internet, radio, and newspapers, are less concerned about the accuracy of the information they provide nowadays than in the past; news stories from the media cause many problems for the public.

People have been surrounded by myriads of news from diversified medium. This information from the media affects people in many ways, sometimes positively, and other times negatively. However, from my view, as the media nowadays do not genuinely take care of their validity, the public is likely to get adverse impacts more, compared to the past.

First and foremost, nowadays, the velocity and the amount of information dealt by medium have greatly upsurging, making it hard to check their accuracy. In the past, people were mostly leaned on monthly magazines or a few daily TV channels to obtain news, which let the content providers have much more time to look into their information; in a fast-changing society, people are exposed to tons of information every second via the media, such as TV, the internet, and radio. Therefore, content makers should handle plenty of information in a brief time, which means that they have less time to figure out the correctness of their content. What is worse, this makes the public to be overwhelmed by too much information that can cause their stress. For example, a friend of mine who works as an online journalist always complains about her busy schedule whenever we meet. Due to the rapid change in society, she has to write many articles as soon as possible while having only a short time to confirm the accuracy of the information she records. The sadder thing is not only for that but people feel tired of the exceeding number of online stories, and this leads them to overlook or ignore some issues that could be important, which can be the loss for them as well.

On top of that, more stimulating content generated by today’s newsmakers are the other factor for the public’s stress. As the media harshly competes with each other, especially online creators focus on attracting readers’ eyes by making catchy titles or thumbnails. This allows the makers to exaggerate some information which can be inaccurate at some point that adversely influences the public. From a recent issue, one of the Youtubers spread wrong news about a celebrity’s personal life without verifying its correctness. The Youtuber just edited the celebrity’s privacy to be toxic by exaggerating and provocating to get more subscribers for his channel. Because of this, the celebrity had to listen to a tremendous of dreadful words and she finally committed suicide. Therefore, the public got shocked and mentally felt a burden for a while.

In a nutshell, I think that today’s media less considers the accuracy of their content than those in the past, and this makes people to be exhausted. This is because the media provides the public with a great amount of information to match the pace of the change in society, and generates more toxic news to make a profit.


You either need a plural noun here or something like a ‘mix of media’ or ‘variety of different media’.


aha! I got it. thanks, Torsten:)


I’m afraid this sentence doesn’t quite add up. What do you mean by ‘the media do not take care of their validity’? Where did you learn this phrase? Have you seen it before or have you made it up yourself?


oh, I’ve never seen it. I just made the sentence in my way to paraphrase the topic.
What about this?
However, as the media nowadays is somewhat indifferent/insensible about their validity, the public is likely to get adverse impacts more, compared to the past.


I’m still not happy with the entire sentence for a number of reasons. Let’s start with the fact that the term ‘the media’ is extremely vague. What exactly do you mean by it? Do platforms such as Youtube and Tiktok belong to ‘the media’? What about propaganda machines such as RT run by Putin’s troll army. Does it belong to ‘the media’ as well? Also, what does ‘their validity’ refer to? Whose validity are you talking about and what do you mean by ‘validity’?


You mean I need to dig into more specific, or make it clear first?
The topic says ‘the media, such as TV, the internet, radio, and newspapers’. It might be better if I listed them in the introduction.

And speaking of validity, I was confused with the meaning of the word.
I thought I could use ‘validity’ instead of ‘accuracy’.

I’m wondering if it’s clearer.
However, as the media nowadays, such as TV, the internet, radio, and newspapers, is somewhat insensible about their accuracy/correct facts, the public is likely to get adverse impacts more, compared to the past.