Please, correct my independent writing task

Prompt: Some people prefer the quiet life of the country. Others prefer the hustle and bustle of the city life. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides. Where would you prefer to live? Give reason for your preferences.
First of all, even though cities offer a vast number of job opportunities, which often entail higher salaries, and enables people to find employment more easily, the competition among the workers is extremely high, as a consequence, people often experience high levels of stress which results in their health slowly deteriorating. In rural areas when someone loses his job, it is highly probable that he will be permanently unemployed. Despite this, life in the countryside is considerably cheaper compared to the one in a big city. Therefore, it entails less expenditures. For example, some years ago, my aunt who worked on a farm unexpectedly lost her job. However, she was still able to lead a fairly good lifestyle as life was affordable and she could survive by growing her own crops and selling a part of them in order to pay the bills.
Secondly, in spite of the fact that cities are usually busy since they are crowded with an overwhelming number of people and traffic and full of disturbances and disruptions, such as noisy neighbors, they offer various forms of entertainment which cannot be found in a village. For example, in a village people do not have the opportunity to go to different restaurants and taste international dishes or to have easy access to shopping centers when they need to buy something. Nonetheless, villages offer their residents quietness and a relaxed lifestyle compared to the fast paced rhythm of life found in the cities. Undoubtedly, there is no pollution and people avoid many health problems linked to it. For example, country people rarely experience problems with their respiratory system since they do not inhale harmful gases emitted by cars. In contrast, they are able to be close to nature. Furthermore, they get the chance to develop deeper relationships with their neighbors as, unlike cities, there is no anonymity. Therefore, it is easier for people to gratify their social needs, such as the need for communication with other humans. As a result, people have less mental and physical health problems.
In conclusion, both living in a rural area and in a city have significant benefits and drawbacks. I am of the opinion that it is better to reside in the country. This is because not only is rural life more affordable but it also guarantees a better quality of life.