Please come to the top / front of alley

Context: suppose that I invite you to my home. You don’t know the address of my home. I give you my home’s address so complicatedly that you get confused on the streets and can not find my home. My home is in an alley. As you know there can be many alleys in one street. You don’t know in which alley my home is located. Then you call me or text me to come to the front of the alley so that you can see me and I can lead you to my home.

I’m particularly curious to know whether this blue sentence make sense in this context.

Please [color=blue]come to the top / front of alley so that I can see you.

I have uploaded a picture which tells you what I mean. If you click on this link you will see my meaning.

Thank you

As long as ‘alley’ is the standard term used in that vicinity, then ‘top of the alley’ or ‘end of the alley’ is fine.


  1. My home is in an alley of Anna road.
  2. My home is in one of alleys of Anna road.
    Please correct them. Thanks.

‘off’, not ‘of’.

I would say ‘front of the alley’, and would reserve ‘top’ for the high end or point of the alley.

It appears that you didn’t look at the illustration.

I would certainly not use ‘front of the alley’. Where is an alley’s ‘front’?

[color=blue]The answer to that is that the person is in front of the alley and the alley is in front of the person. And if one enters the alley and arrives at the house, the person is at the front of the house, not at the top of the house.

Oh well, if you’re going to be silly again…

[color=blue]What the heck is that supposed to mean? A is in front of B and B is in front of A.
The top of something is the highest point of that thing.

Everybody, thanks for answering but I think you have misunderstood me. You think I want to tell that sentence to him. No. I don’t want to tell him the sentence. I want him to tell me the sentence so that he can see me and I can lead him to my house.

What about these ones?

Please come to where your alley meets the street.
Please come to the place where your alley meets the street.
Come to the entrance of the alley.
Come to the entrance to the alley.

I understood your meaning and answered accordingly in message #2.

Canadian, you are thinking about the wrong definition of top.

farthest point
4 [singular]
the top of something
the end of a street, table, etc. that is farthest away from you or is from where you usually come to it
I’ll meet you at the top of Thorpe Street.
oxfordlearnersdictionaries.c … lish/top_1

1-3 are all okay too, though 2 is overlong. You don’t need ‘the place’.

4 would not normally be used – 3 has a much better flow.

Beesnees, you are a gem. Thank you so much sister.

This was so helpful.
Thanks a million. You solved my confusion.

[color=blue]1) the “top” of an alley must be British English.
2) According to that then, 'bottom of the alley would be correct.
3) I’ll stick with ‘front of the alley’.

  1. correct, then.
  2. ‘Bottom of the alley’ could be correct in the right circumstances, but in the original illustration the bottom of the alley looks like a dead end.
  3. Thankfully you aren’t asking me that question, as I’d just stand outside my front door.