Please cancel my membership

Dear Beeesneees,

Would you kindly cancel my membership, since I’ve learned very well from you.
And, my English has improved a lot , I believe. Thank you very much for your kindness.

Love you ( If you don’t mind )

with kindest regards.

Yours sincerely,
Kyaw Min Lwin ( Mr. )

P.S > If it’s OK, please take out all of my uneducated posts , which won’t benefit your site. Thanks again. Auf wiedersehen.

Sorry, I don’t have permission to do that unless I class you as a ‘spammer’ which I have no intention of doing.
Only an administrator can close your account, but this seems to be a knee-jerk reaction to a small skirmish and I would urge you to at least wait until some time has passed before you take such action.

Hello Kyaw,

Me also was twice on the point to cancel my membership, and I canceled. At any rate I clicked to the log out. And later I found out that I liked this course and I came back.

(Now what Beeezeee wrote I knew this wasn’t enough to cancel my membership.)

I didn’t want to write this. I wanted to write that your style is sometimes ambiguous but they force us to pore over a subject. Please think about your decision. I surely miss you and I am sure there are some persons who think so.

Best regards:
Kati Svaby

Hello Bez,

Could you help me? About for an hour I try to put om my picture and my slogan. Once I managed to put my picture without my slogan, so I deleted my picture-because my slogan disappeared, so I had to write again - and I wrote the slogan and clicked the same picture that was on the page already several times,-and NOW neither picture nor slogan goes through. My profile is filled in. Can you help me?

Many thanks:

Hello Bez, Many thanks for your help.

Hello Kati,

I’ve only just seen your message, so I didn’t do anything.

Maybe someone else helped or maybe you were able to do it yourself after all.

Hello Bez,

This will remain a secret. Yesterday I tried to do it from 11 PM -to 1 AM. At the end I left my laptop opened on my profile page which was filled in. And what yesterday didn’t do this morning I managed to do it.

I wrote two letters for help; one for you the other for Torsten. Of course I said thanks for both of you, but maybe it happened a miracle.
I won’t never know it.

Please let me allow to say thanks to you because I never forget that I could always count on you. You are very reliable!!!


Thank you. It’s always a pleasure to help… even when I didn’t! :slight_smile:

Maybe not now, but several times. Dear Bez.

I wonder why do people request for cancellation of membership?


TOEIC listening, photographs: Down hill skiing[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks for the correction though I hadn’t requested.