Pimsleur for a five-year speaker = effective?

I’ve been learning German for five years now and I’m supposed to be taking my GCSEs this May (it’s a public exam taken in the United Kingdom). Would Pimsleur level 3 or Pimsleur Plus be good for me if i want to improve in terms of vocabulary or speaking, or is it still for the more ‘beginners’ group? I would say I’m an intermmediate speaker…

Hi Paperbagmonster,

Welcome to english-test.net! It’s great to hear you have been learning German through Pimsleur and I hope you continue practicing your skills. I suggest you use Pimsleur 3 and Pimsleur Plus to improve your German and in addition you should start watching movies in German and listen to Deutsche Welle and other German radio stations. You still have a little time until May and if you create you own training plan I’m sure you’ll get great scores in your GCSE’s.

Let me know what you think.

TOEIC listening, talks: Airplane pilot is welcoming passengers on board giving them information about flight[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thanks Torsten, actually, I’ve been taking German courses in SCHOOL, not through Pimsleur :smiley: that probably means my learnings are much more intense, which is why I was wondering whether Pimsleur would be up to my standards. I wish they put on what the different CDs teach you about so I’ll know which one to buy =