Phrase: working in (a/the) construction

Hey All,

If I’m building a house, I work in construction, or I work in a construction, or I work in the construction?

Amy, you didn’t answer me before, but I won’t let you go this easy :slight_smile:

I work in construction.
I work in the construction industry.
I work for a construction company

Hi Spencer

The reason I mentioned construction (in another thread) was that you’d written that you were working in contraction - which creates a rather humorous picture. :wink:

But I also assumed at the time that you’d been thinking about the fact that when you were working in construction, you had been working for a contractor/contracting company.


You could also say that you are in labour, Spence (no kidding)!

In construction labour means like workers with no skills,or something like that.
I mean if you a carpenter,or a plumber, you’re not a labour.
I’m not sure if it’s a rule, but you call only them that way.

A person working in construction would be a labo(u)rer

Hi Spencer

Hmmmm… Do you know what what sort of “construction”/“production” is going on when a man’s wife is “in labor” and having “contractions”? :wink: :lol:


I know Amy, my daughter was born in Canada.
The nurse was laughing when I prounanced it the same way as the construction. :slight_smile: