Phrase or sentence?

Please read:

Some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet. (a)

(a) is sentence or phrase?
Is “some of the most frequently” the subject of the verb “asked”?



You asked:

I’m not too sure what your question is asking. I have changed this to:

[i]One of the most frequently asked questions is:

Is it a phrase or a sentence?[/i]

The subject of that sentence is: One of the most frequently asked questions and the verb is: is


Dear teacher,

My teacher in class wrote:

Some of the most frequently asked questions

the Internet. (a)

on the blackboard.

I don’t understand what (a) means.
(a) is a sentence? If yes, what is the subject and what is the verb of (a)? “asked” is the verb in simple past of the (a)?“Some of the most frequently” is the subject of (a)? Why there isn’t “the” before “questions”?

Best regards

Hi Quoc

No, “Some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet” is not a sentence. It’s a phrase that would function as the subject of a sentence.
