Perfect pronounciation

I am not a native speaker of English language. Therefore, I have strong mother tongue influence on my English accent. Also, when I speak in English, I face difficulty in pronouncing certain words. Will this forum help me? Will the knowledge of phonology and phonics help me?

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Hi Bonychat
You can ask questions about pronunciation in this forum, which will help you with your accent.
‘Phonology’ a big academic word that spans nearly everything to do with pronunciation. I suggest you pick a specific area and concentrate on that for a while, e.g. English word stress, English rhythm or how to articulate sounds.
Lastly, I will say that you have set an unhelpful goal regarding your accent. While we can aim for perfection, it can never be achieved. I think a much better goal is to aim for a clear, understandable accent. Lots of lessons about English pronunciation and learning mindset are available on my website:

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