People vs peoples and people's

People are plural and singular is a person, but I’ve seen some writers write like this Peoples with s . If this is true, what is the difference between people and peoples ?

Thanks for helping


Person is singular.
People is plural.

I used is in both of the above sentences because they both refer to the word itself, not the number of people. You would also say “apples is plural” or “cars is plural”. Apples is a single word. Cars is a single word.

You would say “people, apples and cars are plural” because now you are talking about three words.

Sometimes the word “peoples” is used when referring to different groups of people. For example different ethnic groups, races or nationalities. In other words, they use the plural “peoples” in the same way they would use the words “ethnics groupss” or “races”.

It’s less common to use the word peoples in this way, but I think it’s considered acceptable.


Thank you very much

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Yes, it is acceptable in sentences like: Peoples of the world, unite; you have nothing to lose! (Here, it means ‘nations’)


Many thanks teacher

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