Past Perfect vs Past Simple

Suddenly, I’ve encountered a problem with thing, which seemed to be rather apparent to me, before I started thinking of it obsessively.
The problem is: What time am I to use with time expressions like this “That was the first(second, third, last) time I…”? In the present, as I know, such expressions are used with Present Perfect, and I would presume that it changes to Past Perfect in the past, were it not for the fact, that I see more and more of Past Simple in those cases.
For example: The first time i saw you was last summer.
By the way, are the expressions “That was the last time I…” and “The last time I… was” equal?
As you see, I’m a bit confused with this issue. Could you please help me?
Thanks a lot.

I am confused, too. I don’t understand what you want to know about the perfect forms.

As for your last question: “That was the last time I…” and “The last time I… was” are not equal in meaning. The second sentence requires a time reference in the sentence; the first does not.

Hi Alex

In an attempt to understand your posed question “That was the first time…” is used in simple past as it is a finished instance, even though you can do the activity numerous times after. That first time you can not repeat.

So “it has been the first time” would be considered inappropriate usage.

cheers stew.t.

The present perfect is OK here, isn’t it?

We pray for those who are sad because it has been the first Christmas without a loved one, and who grieve with their memories.

If Christmas is just ending or has recently ended, we can use the present perfect, right?


But in your example all the ‘times’ are present and so the perfect suits.


Hi Molly

“the first time” is the set phrase I was concentrating on. But yes the first somthing, as Alan states your example (Xmas) works.

cheers stew.t.


Mister Micawber, thank you.

I’m terribly sorry for putting the question in such a confusing way. In fact, I ment not the first part(which is understood), but the second one. I’ll try to make it clear.
For example: This is the first time I’ve driven a car. - clear
That was the first time (I had driven OR drove) a car. - suppose first is correct
The first time (I had driven OR drove) a car was when I was a teenager. - here I would say that the first is correct too, but I’ve seen lots of cases, where there’s been Past simple. Which tense, on your opinion, is more correct here? And if both are acceptible, then what’s the difference?


the general rule (we have in our grammar books :)) is that you’ve given: after the first/second time… we use Present Perfect. The use of Past Perfect is determined by the sequence of tenses. However (I think), past simple is possible not to make things too complicated.