

I am always not quite sure about normal use in plural of such (abstract) nouns. (Albeit I know that paradoxes is correct).

Can you say (for example) which headings sounds to you better:

Life is full of paradoxes
or just
Life is paradoxical.

Hi Tamara

I have no problem with paradoxes whatsoever. :smiley:


Thank you, Amy.

(Does it mean that your life is so full of paradoxes that you got used to having them
in plu… in plenty?.. :slight_smile: )

Hi Tamara

Ha ha. :wink: The paradoxes in my life are countable (not quite innumerable ;)) but I haven’t necessarily gotten used to them all. :lol:



Amy, the true :slight_smile: reason for my question was that at least two natives, when asked, didn’t know whether the plural form for the noun exists. :slight_smile:
And I had to check dictionaries.

Hi Tamara

Actually, that’s not so unusual. I’ve often found it to be the case that when you ask a native speaker a very specific question about language, they’re sometimes unable to answer. You’re requiring thought and analysis when you pose such a question. :shock: And the language of a native speaker is done unthinkingly — mainly “feeling”. :wink:
