Online Learning: What sort of material do you find useful?

I’m doing a course in TEFL / TESL combined with a module on e-learning: using Moodle to put out learning material. I would like to hear from English learners:

WHAT sort of material - excercises -quizzes online do you find most useful?

Any comments would be gratefully appreciated.


Hi Art,

I have to say, I was excited to see your post! Although I am not a learner of English as a second language, I am a big supporter of online learning, and what technology can do to help learners enhance their language experience. One thing that I will be working on this semester with my mentor teacher is using podcasting to enhance listening exercises. We are hoping this will add more variety and spice to the individual student’s learning experience.

In our CALL class at Saint Michael’s College in Vermont, we often developed exercises for students to use. If you find that exercises would be more useful in your circumstance, please let me know as I can give you some links to sites with many exercises.