On the premises or at the premises?

Dear friends,

Which one is correct?

“It is prohibited any kind of drugs on xxxx`s (name of the company) premises”.

“It is prohibited any kind of drugs at xxxx`s (name of the company) premises”.

Thanks for your help.

Normally ‘on’, I think, but ‘at’ works.

Thanks for the help, Mister Micawber.

I got this sentence from the Oxford Dictionary: " No alcohol may be consumed on the premises." I got really confused because I would use “in” or “at” because I`m talking about a place.

I think the sentence could be written in a more grammatically acceptable way, which is also more precise, Bira:

Drugs are prohibited on xxxx’s premises.

(As MM says, ‘at’ works too, but this is the usual one.)

The sign here at the Landsowne reads ‘No smoking in the premises’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Visiting the ruins[YSaerTTEW443543]

Then the sign is incorrect.

Hi Torsten.

You’ll have to point this out to the management. I see you have made an early start on sorting out bad English in the UK! Let’s hope things improve when you come to Cambridge.


  1. Drugs are prohibited on school’s premises.
  2. No smoking on school/school’s premises.
    Are they OK?

No apostrophe needed = school premises.

Here’s the sign in question…

TOEIC listening, photographs: Taking a corner fast