There is something related to culture shock I would like to relate to you. I have never read a descripition which matches my experience so I would like to see your input. Since you frequently work with similar issues you may have a good idea of what it means.
It appears that every time I change a country certain changes within myself begin to work. These changes make me question the validity of the things I once believed were true. For an example when I first moved to the USA I began to see the world very differently. I questioned many beliefs that I once held. From the new culture’s perspective the world looked differently. Since I moved back to Bulgaria I have started changing again. I beging to experience new ideas very different from the ones I had in the USA.
This makes me think of the world as of function of subjective experience. In other words, what we see as truth is in fact a function of our own cultural perceptions.
What makes changes in culture important is that we learn to look at ourselves differently. This is something very positive bacause we learn new ways of solving old problems.
On the other hand there is a danger associated with these changes. Namely, people may not understand you anymore.
One may grow so different that he may not be understood by others.
What makes my experience very different from what I have read about culture shock before is that in the descriptions I have read there is no emphasis on the subjective experience associated with culture change. In other words, I think that in writings about culture shock there needs to be more emphais on the personal changes associated with the experience.
I wonder what you think about this. Do you find it useful? If you do we may exchange ideas about this.