of the same age/ at the same age?

Hi Mentors,

I am confused about these two sentences.

We are of the same age.

We are at the same age.

Which one is correct? Please help me.

Thank you so much. :wink:

More usual than either of these is “We are the same age”.

“of” is possible but not very conversational. To me it sounds formal or even old-fashioned.

“at” is possible but not particularly common. It seems to have a particular nuance, as if it implies that we both behave in a particular way because of our similar ages, or are at similar stages in our careers, or something like that.

Ahhh I see! Thank you so much Sir.

How about this one…

Here are the boys of/at/with the same age.

More context is needed. In what situation do you want to say this?

For example, there is an activity at school then I am going to introduce to the other pupils that those boys on the stage are at/of/with the same age.

Those/these boys are of the same age.