Now, why will you help me open a bank account?

At a bank

Man: Oh, all right. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to cause a problem, you know.

Teller: Hush! That’s quite enough. Now listen to me. This position is closed. If you want to open an account, you have to come to my position. Come along. Now, I will help you open an account properly in the proper manner.

Man: Oh, I want to do it properly in the proper manner. Now, why will you help me open a bank account?

Teller: Because that’s my Job. I’m an account executive.

Now, why will you help me open a bank account?

What does “will” mean in this sentence?

1- Does it mean “want” or does it refer to future?

Thank you

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Why are you going to help me open a bank account?
Why do you intend to help me open a bank account?

Want means desire to. You don’t know if he wants to do it. He only says that he does it because it’s his job.

Yes, will is future tense in that sentence.


Thank you so much, NearlyNapping :rose:

Very nice.

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