Nonsense Posts

Hello everybody,
I don’t know what is going on here. There are many nonsense posts by new users such as in my recent
What is the purpose of these posts?

I agree and want to add that have similar situation in my thread here. It is not the only case but the volume of this message is huge.
At the same time I want to notice that the Progress report doesn’t work for the long period alredy.


I agree and want to add that have similar situation in my thread here. It is not the only case but the volume of this message is huge.
At the same time I want to notice that the Progress report doesn’t work for the long period alredy.

I hope the Admistrators of our website will pay attention to this matter.



Here is also spam from WhichcngFlorataa

Dear Administrators and Moderators,

does some short and easy method exist here to inform you about spam? What link could help us to make it?

Thank you,

Here’s the link to the thread where you can support spam, but it’s impossible to miss the amount of spammers currently attacking the forum anyway!
Unfortunately, it’s not always possible for someone to be available to sort them out quickly. … an-up_list