Next time you come to my house

Test No. [color=blue]errors/elem-4 “Present Tense”, question 9

Next time you are coming to my house, you must bring that book.

(a) are coming
(b) must
(c) bring

Test No. [color=blue]errors/elem-4 “Present Tense”, answer 9

Next time you come to my house, you must bring that book.

Correct entry: come
The error was: (a) are coming

You have [color=green]found the error but your entry is [color=red]incorrect.
Next time you will come to my house, you must bring that book.

What’s wrong to say ‘you will come’?

Thanks in advance

Hi Sidle Jinks,

You would say - Next time you come where you use the Present form to express future. Next time as a time expression indicates the future and so it would be unnecesaary to use will as well.
