Need help with translation!

“but it was especially the female story tellers like Toni Morrison, Gloria Naylor and Alice Walker of the 70s who provided Europe and USA with a contemporary feel of the American black roots. They spent most of their time on the orale poetry where myth and history merges. The eldest black litterature from the USA originated straight from their native home, Afrika. It told the story on how the slaves suffered during the cattle transports across the sea and their hard labour on the plantation fields and their desire for freedom. Some believe that the realtionship between the verbal and written culture is what separates the African-American litterature tradition from the Euro-America. For the black female writers, the racial theme is woved together with the theme about being a woman and it tracked back to the 30s.”

Thanks in advance… I dont feel that I’ve done a good job, but the original text is very difficult to translate…
Any help is appreciated :smiley:

Hi Phasio,

You have done a great job. Below are some notes.

Please note the spelling of literature and Africa.

Maybe you should use how the slaves used to suffer…

Some believe that the relationship between the verbal and the written culture is what sets the African-American literature apart from the Euro-American version.

For the black female writers, the racial issue is woven together with the theme of being a woman and it can be traced back to the 30ies.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening discussions: What upsets the young man’s mother?[YSaerTTEW443543]