Natalie from Australia

Hi I am Natalie. I am really excited to be part of this sound platform and contributing to this is great to connect with other people who are interested in language learning. I am a native English speaker and I am actually currently looking at pursuing the study of Italian and I have you know at times in my life learned Italian and just recently try to reconnect with that. I am finding that listening to podcast in Italian what I don’t understand all the content is helpful because they are like “Italian words” and just hearing the sound of the language helps. And I am also listening to Italian radio and that really helps. So, even when I walking out, when I am exercising, I got my headphone in and I’m listening to Italian radio. So, also it is extra exposure to language. And I guess even listening to recording like this really helps in exposure to language and developing an ear for certain sound and exposure to different vocabulary. So anyway I’m really excited to be part of this sound/this platform and look forward to hearing other people stories.