My wife and I are going ..... a cruise for our 10th anniversary that is coming up next month

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Imagine what happened to our planet if half of the world’s population went on a cruise like you and your wife.

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The answer is obvious now. It’s ‘on’.

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Tell me dear Torsten, what would happen? I’m mean it’s over 32°Celcius over here and it’s going to be warmer the next few days. I can’t stand this kind of heat. Do cruises also have anything to do with global warming. The heat over here is simply unbearable.

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This site is interesting. It tracks all Ship traffic

There is a filter in the upper left to filter by type of ship. As expected the largest group are cargo ships, but I’m not sure if they are a majority.

The filter seems to be a little flakey and doesn’t always apply right.


As far as I know cruise liners have a huge impact on global warming. Here is why:

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I don’t want to be rude; but don’t you think : ‘Imagine what would happen to our planet, if…’ :upside_down_face:

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