My thoughts about this Forum.

Words are words & don’t have a meaning whatsoever. It’s us who give them meanings.
One & the same word changes its meanings or connotations through the course of history. So don’t consider them to be negative.
Actually, what I meant is like this:
As you said it people dream to be better & Internet gives them such a chance. Why not impersonate or pretend to be somebody else? - That’s exactly why people play MMORPG & communicate on forums pretending to be a little bit different :wink:

You English friends undoubtedly found out that these tests were prepared by the foreign speakers (i.e. these test do not seem natural for your friends but are quite good for us).

Hello Gheon,

You are totally right, you hit the nail on the head, however I’d like to tell you that I’m not learning phrases, expressions, or whatever out of context, I’ve been always learning things within a context that may be used in a certain time or event.
To be honest, I think it happens with me all the time, because I’m very anxious, and I end up forgetting everything that should be applied at certain time of the conversation or writing.

Sorry for my grammar mistakes, but I think you got it.


The thing is that I don’t pretend being s/o else here, the only thing that is phoney about me is my name, all the rest - my replies, advice, etc. are sincere. I agree that forum is like a game or another reality that gives people opportunities to disguise a bit their true selfs, nevertheless you can’t pretend when you communicate with people asking for advice or just want to be your pen friends. When you start commenting on something you reveal your real personality, horizons & even the mood you are in. But in general your opinion is very interesting.
Thanks for another definition of truffle. Recently it’s occured to me that we could discuss here some words or phrases or qotes we like or need to memeorise. What do you think about that?

What was said was said as a description of general tendency rather so don’t take it too personal.
And still if you remember a phrase from the movie “The Mask”:
“That’s correct, Wendy. We all wear masks, metaphorically speaking.”
& that means that people are quite versatile & variant beings & that is quite good cause that what shapes a personality.
(We can remember from the movie that The Mask only discovered your inner most desires. They are always there & are the part & parcel of you. But such things a person usually hides from himself though the thing itself could rather appeal then repell. Quite odd, isn’t it?).

Actually that’s what we’re here for. To share brilliant (from our perspective) thoughts, to study, to guide & to be guided. So the idea is ok though it’d be good to make it in different thread cause this one is for Feedback, Comments and Suggestions on the already existing difficulties we stumble upon this site.
PS. Bagheera, don’t be offended but please pay attention to typos a make in your posts :wink:

‘Nothing personal, it’s business’ isn’t it? Anyway, if you remember Michael Corleone proves the opposite, everything in this life is personal (of course, not in a virtual world, like this one). What made you think I could be insulted by your words? I just can’t agrree with every opinion of yours, but it’s ok, isn’t it? Otherwise what would we talk about? What concerns my typos, they are quite possible to appear, because usually I’m in hurry when I’m writting, for I have other responibilities in life and don’t look up the words in the dictionary.Probably I should? If you feel like correcting my slips you are welcome, as I have an intention of improving my writing skills. Besides I’m extremely inattentive & a bit absent-minded, well, my husband says that at times I’m a classic blonde :slight_smile: :slight_smile: Well, have I admit it as a truth?):):):slight_smile: Bye!

Nay. Actually caring about someone’s mistakes is not a big concern of mine. It’s just as one may have noticed that such corrections are welcomed by people here who try to learn a language which is new for them. Personally I’m happy to ask & be answered. From the galactic point of view all this browsing in dictionaries is nothing more but just a rat race but strange indeed those people who devoted themselves to complete & incessant language learning process are very happy with what they do.
Again there are others who just don’t care. Well, this is highly respectful as well. Because they sure do care about something else or will in the future.
As for the correlation between woman’s hair color & her mentals it is highly unlikely to be true. Anyway one can always change its color to opposite & pray to gods it’d work :slight_smile:
Mata ne!

They say being a blond is a state of mind & it has nothing to do with the actual colour of hair. Of course, it’s nonsense, because each person flatters himself being clever. But at times is very useful to laugh at your own faults and the sentence about being blonde was just a joke, just to change the subject.
And what is ‘mata ne’?

“Mata ne” in Japanese means “See you later” or “See you next time”.
In anime more frequently I heard “Ja mata” (but this said to be more informal)