My text about libraries

Please could you look at my text and correct mistakes?
The main aspects of library work of two countries were first analyzed on the basis of data of the survey, conducted by the author among public libraries of Russia and France. The data which testifies about insufficient study of library users with migration background is compared. There are highlighted the forms of advanced training of librarians who participate in development and provision of library services. There are sources of target financing of library work in the libraries as well as approximate size of the budget allocated for acquisition of holdings for migrants. The forms of acquisition and selection criteria of documents in migrant languages are analized. There are compared the main forms of mass activities with migrants in public libraries of Russia and France. Furthermore, there are highlighted the events which are not conducted in Russian libraries but are of some interest in terms of implementation in domestic practice.

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This part is not quite clear. What does ‘insufficient study of library users with migration background’ mean?

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It means that the library users are not studied very well. So librarians don’t know the exact amount of users, their demographic characteristics etc. Normally, the study is conducted thanks to surveys at the library. But it doesn’t happen mostly.

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Would it be possible for you to show us the source text?

Yes, here it is:
На основе данных анкетирования, проведенного автором среди публичных библиотек России и Франции, впервые проанализированы основные аспекты библиотечной работы двух стран. Сопоставлены данные, которые свидетельствуют о недостаточной изученности библиотечных пользователей с миграционным прошлым. Выделены формы повышения квалификации библиотекарей, участвующих в разработке и предоставлении библиотечных услуг. Выявлены источники целевого финансирования библиотечной работы, а также приблизительный размер бюджета, выделяемого на комплектование фондов для мигрантов. Проанализированы формы комплектования и критерии отбора документов на языках мигрантов. Сопоставлены основные формы массовой работы с мигрантами в публичных библиотеках России и Франции. Кроме того, выявлены мероприятия, которые не проводятся в российских библиотеках, но представляют интерес с точки зрения внедрения в отечественную практику.

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For the first time the main aspects of library work in Russia and France were analyzed based on the results of a survey the author conducted among public libraries across both countries. (That’s my attempt at translating the first sentence, maybe it helps you edit your own version). By when do you need this work finished?


Hi Irina,

A rough and ready ‘correction’, which may or may not be helpful - but then Russian is a closed book to me|

The main aspects of library work in two countries were first analysed based on the data of a survey, conducted by the author across public libraries in Russia and France. The data which gives proof of insufficient study of immigrant users of libraries is compared. These have highlighted the forms of advanced training for librarians who participate in the development and provision of library services. There are sources showing target financing of library work in the libraries as well as the approximate size of the budget allocated for acquisition of books ?? for migrants. The types of acquisition and selection criteria of documents in migrant languages are analysed. A comparison is made of the main forms of mass activities with/for migrants in public libraries in Russia and France. Furthermore, the events are highlighted which are not available in Russian libraries but are of some interest as far as implementation is concerned for domestic use.


Thank you, Torsten! I need to finish this work by the middle of the next week. Which model of translation is better: there is identified (analized etc.) + subject or passive voice at the end of the sentence?


@Alan Thank you very much for your swift help.

@Irina_Bol As a matter of fact, you might want to also take a look at the following translation by Google which I find quite helpful too:

Based on the questionnaire conducted by the author among the public libraries of Russia and France, the main aspects of the library work of the two countries are analyzed for the first time. The data are compared, which indicate a lack of knowledge of library users with the migratory past. The forms of advanced training for librarians involved in the development and provision of library services are highlighted. The sources of targeted funding for library work, as well as the approximate size of the budget allocated for the acquisition of funds for migrants, are identified. The forms of acquisition and selection criteria for documents in the languages ​​of migrants are analyzed. The main forms of mass work with migrants in the public libraries of Russia and France are compared. In addition, measures were identified that are not held in Russian libraries, but are of interest from the point of view of implementation in domestic practice.


Thank you very much, Alan! Your version is great!

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Thanks a lot, Torsten, for the help! I’ll look at Google version and compare.

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