My Navigon 2110 doesn't find Frauenstrasse in Munich

In September 2008 I bought a Navigon 2110 max Europe and right from there start there had been a number of issues. For example, the device simply doesn’t want to start or sometimes it freezes for several minutes. Also, the map is way out of date – for example, it doesn’t lead you properly from Sottomarina to Padova (Italy).

I was willing to put up with all these drawbacks up until two days ago when the following happened: I wanted to get from Egling near Munich to Frauenstrasse in downtown Munich. Believe it or not, the map of my Navigon 2110 doesn’t have Frauenstrasse in Munich listed at all!

So now I’m going to contact Navigon and ask them to give me a refund or send me a new device that knows where Frauenstrasse in Munich is!

Has anyone of you experienced something similar with a Navigon or TomTom device?
Please share your experiences with me here.

Many thanks,

TOEIC short conversations: A business man phones to say he will be late for a presentation.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Frauenstrasse in Munich? :slight_smile: klingt sehr lustig…next time take me with you, i ll show you where Frauenstr. is :slight_smile:

Mann, was kann die Navigon AG dafür dass Du zu blöd bist, die Adresse richtig einzugeben? Vielleicht hast du nach der Frauenstraße (wird übrigens mit ß geschrieben) in Munich USA oder sonst wo gesucht. Ich würds mal mit ner neuen Brille versuchen big boy.