My name is Mildred Mendoza. I'm 23 years old. I am professor from Colombia...

My name is Mildred Mendoza. I am 23 years old. I am from Colombia. I am professor. I give classes to children aged 8 - 15.
I love my job, I live with my mother and sister.
I live on a farm which produces the most delicious coffee in the world. I am happy for my family and my boyfriends.

bye bye :lol:

hey how can i improve my English skill, any body can help me?

anyone interest to share one,s experience?

Hello Jahid Hasan,

Many thanks for your question. We have discuss this before: How to learn English? (30/30 Challenge)[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening lectures: Why does the professor explain the history of coffee?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello Mildred…

Hola como estás, pues cuando gustes podemos chatear o lo que gustes en inglés o español…

I like the people from Colombia…

I’m from Culiacan, Mexico

Shakira and Juanes have been in my state…

Saludos desde México

Josué Pardo :slight_smile: