My mother language isn't English can I learn effectively from Pimsleur?

Hi there! I’m new to this forum and although I’m willing to try and buy a Pimsleur Course I have a major doubt:

I’m Portuguese and I can speak, read and write English quite easily but it isn’t my first language and of course there is still some vocabulary that I don’t understand…

So, knowing this, can I effectively learn from Pimsleur?
Isn’t there going to be some confusion or difficulty, because of a Deutsch (for example) -English-Portuguese imediate translation on my brain?

Well, thanks in advance, best cumpliments from Portugal!

Hi Serlui,

I recommend you purchase a Pimsleur English course for speakers of Portuguese – no need get confused with other languages.

Let me know what you think.

TOEIC listening, photographs: A group photo with guitars[YSaerTTEW443543]

Oi, Serlui, Como va voce?

I’m a spanish speaker and I have an intermediate level in english. Despite that, i could make three differents Pimsleur courses: Two of them very easy for me (Italian and Portugues), when some word had an awkward pronunciation in English, the traduction in target language was vey often similar to the spanish word. Pimsleur can already help you to improve your english listening

The third course was German. I’m in unit 20 second level and I don’t need to use Spanish as a bridge between English and german. Start it, it’s rather easy if your listening is intermediate