My experience with Pimsleur

I have tried a few Pimsleur programs. One for German(my goal) and for my country’s newly adopted second language (Spanish).

Years and years ago before 9/11 I heard of the Pimsleur method When I was a kid my mother tried to teach us both Spanish and German without great success.

How can languages compete with Nintendo?

Well I was born in Stuggart Germany to US American military parents and my ancestry is mostly German. I for years wanted to learn the language of my birthplace. I knew a few words and phrases and could count in German just like in my own language(English.)

Anyway enough is enough and I decided to do it I was dedicated I did 1 lesson each day until I got to about the 2nd level of Pimsleur level lesson 20 and just up and quit because I was getting more and more questions wrong. I was also still in High School.

Then recenttly a few months ago I tried Pimsleur Spanish it took me from no working knowledge of Spanish to being able to understand bits and pieces of what the Mexicans and other Spanish speaking people were saying on the subway. I quit that too by gradually not doing anything with the language.

Anyway I have just started back up Pimsleur German and in less than a week already up to Unit 13 in Level 1. I’m able to complete them so fast because I had already done them years earlier. And now just need a refresher until Level 2 which I have forgotten most of.

Any advice to make sure my Pimsleur experience with German will be a complete one meaning the Full 3 level set.

Whats after Pimsleur? I’m serious about getting fluent in this language? And I should be able to complete all three levels before Christmas. I heard the Plus course of German is a waste of money so what should I do after this.

Thats fine… i’m similar… i’ve been doing Pimsleur French for about 2 yrs… haha. Got to level two, got hard… took a break… did it again, got to level 3 got hard, took a break… went to other things like Michel Thomas etc and they really helped, as it was continually refreshing old info and slowly adding more… and now i’m into Pimsleur 3, 16… hopefully i’ll finish it off! Just keep working at it… itll come… if it gets too hard/boring, try some other way of learning. Maybe spend an hr a day reading a german book for a month, then get back to pimsleur???