Multiple choice test created by Chat GPT

The following test was created by GPT:

  1. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I need to get some milk from the store.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to bring
    d) to leave

  2. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I need to get some rest before the big game.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to sleep
    d) to leave

  3. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I need to get dressed before we leave.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to put on clothes
    d) to leave

  4. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I need to get a job to pay my bills.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to find
    d) to leave

  5. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I am getting tired of waiting.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to become
    d) to leave

  6. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I am getting my hair cut.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to have something done
    d) to leave

  7. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I am getting married next month.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to engage in
    d) to leave

  8. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I am getting good grades in school.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to obtain
    d) to leave

  9. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I am getting ready to go out.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to prepare
    d) to leave

  10. What does the phrasal verb “to get” mean in the following sentence: “I am getting over a cold.”
    a) to acquire
    b) to give
    c) to recover
    d) to leave

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