Movies vs. novels

Movies vs. novels

With the development of film industry, many people tend to go to movies rather than reading books. They think it takes less effort and it is more interesting. However, from my point of view, reading books is more interesting than watching movies. Reasons below will intensify my point of view.

Above all, movies can’t imitate the emotions and the events which are demonstrated in books. For instance, I’ve watched the movie of “Da Vinci Code” and it couldn’t satisfy me as its book. The author of book - Dan Brown- has written the book professionally and expertly. It was impossible to show the whole events and the plotline which have written in the book and it was bizarre for me when I saw the characters in the movie. Movie wasn’t original as its books because the scenarist of the movie couldn’t describe all places and events as good as in the book. Consequently, I experienced again a difference between movie and novel after watching the movie of Da Vinci Code and reading the book of it. In addition to that, movies can’t describe the author’s opinion so, there can be fewer things that we learn from movies.

Second, while reading book, you can trigger your imagination and it gives you the chance of establishing the picture of event or person in any way you want in your mind. It is more enjoyable than watching the person or event, then you will think that they can be better. In that way, movies make people lazy to think and prevent improving their imaginations.

Nevertheless, movies have its own advantageousness such as finishing it quickly and its graphics can make it excited and appealing. However, after watching movie which I have read its book too, I was sorry about my time which I’ve spent to read this book.

To sum up, while movies have some advantages, in my opinion, books are more gratifying and indulging. There can’t be any movie which can place books and give the pleasure of them. I feel sometimes very disagreeable about a number of decreasing people who are reading books.

Elmir, 355 words
Hi Kitos, I actually wrote it without revising my last essay because I didn’t see your suggestion for that. I only saw it after writing and it was late. I’ll correct my mistakes and write new one based on mistakes in my last essay after posting it. I hope it is good, I’ve checked this one carefully(which I didn’t do it for my last essay)

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Movies vs. novels

With the development of the film industry, many people tend to go to movies rather than to read books. They think it requires less effort and it is more interesting. However, from my point of view, reading books is more interesting than watching movies. Reasons below will intensify my point of view.

Above all, movies can’t imitate the emotions and the events which are demonstrated in books. For instance, I’ve watched the movie of the“Da Vinci Code” and it did not satisfy me as much as the book did. The author of book - Dan Brown- has written the book professionally and expertly. It was impossible to show the entire events and the plot-line which was written in the book, and it was bizarre for me when I saw the characters in the movie. The movie wasn’t as original as the book because the background scenery of the movie couldn’t really portray all of the places and events as well as in the book. Consequently, I experienced again a difference between the movie and the novel. In addition to that, movies can’t describe the author’s opinion, so there can be fewer things that we learn from movies.

Second, while reading a book, you can trigger your imagination and it gives you the chance of establishing the picture of events or people in any way you want in your mind. It is more enjoyable than watching the people or events being depicted on the screen, because you will think that they could be portrayed better. In that way, movies make people too lazy to think and thus prevents them improving their imaginations.

Nevertheless, movies have their own advantages, such as finishing the story quickly and its graphics can make it both exciting and appealing. However, after watching any movie whose book I have read, I was sorry about the time which I had spent in reading this book.

To sum up, while movies have some advantages, in my opinion, books are more gratifying and indulging. There can’t be any movie which can replace books and give the pleasure that they do. I feel sometimes very disagreeable about the decreasing number of people who are today reading books.

Elmir, 355 words
This was quite good Elmir, but there are changes that have been made to your text. Please review carefully.

Kitos. 8.5/10

thanks very much Kitos, now I see my common mistakes. they are same in almost all of my essays.