
  1. The cause of the accident is a point of moot.
  2. The cause of the accident is a moot point.
  3. The cause of the accident is a point that is to be mooted.
    Please correct all.

1. The cause of the accident is a point of moot.
2. The cause of the accident is a moot point.
3. The cause of the accident is a point that is to be mooted.

Why is this sentence not acceptable while ‘moot’ can also be used as a verb?

I suppose it could be used, but is totally unnatural. ‘Mooted’ would not be used to replace ‘raised’.

I’ve raised that question just because it is found commonly used by people like academics, scholars, professionals, judges and even the common man both in speech and writing whether the context is formal or informal.

‘Moot’ as a verb is certainly current as in - It is mooted/it has been mooted - suggesting that something has been raised in discussions/topics/rumours but the unusual use is ‘to be mooted’ suggesting that something is about to be raised in discussions etc. That wouldn’t really make sense because you can’t sensibly forecast what is going to happen as far as moot points are concerned.

Perhaps now you will accept that it is not.

What is not? No, you are again wrong. See Alan’s remark.

Alan, ‘to be mooted’ is a usage, chosen, perhaps, by the poster. But sentences like ‘The point has been mooted by Mr X’, ‘Mr Y mooted that question’ etc are in use. My main contention was the use of ‘moot’ as a verb. Now, let me ask this: An idea about something struck me. I thought I should present it for a discussion. So I am giving a definite shape to it now. A friend of mine wants to know what I am engaged in. I tend to answer him this way: I am shaping a funny idea to be muted for a threadbare discussion at our club meeting tomorrow. Isn’t it natural?


A couple of points - I’m afraid there is some confusion in your comment. It is ‘mooted’ not ‘muted’. I appreciate your determination about ‘to be mooted’ but in all honesty I can’t get my head around the idea of something going to be mooted. Possibly ‘to be floated’ might fit the bill.

If I’m allowed into discussion, perhaps it’s two meanings of the word (‘bring up a subject for debate’\’ render a subject irrelevant’) that produced a kind of confusion there. Also, ‘moot question’ (= open to debate) v ’ moot point’ (= of no practical value) may have done the job.
Putting it, “The cause of the accident is a question that is to be mooted (=put forward for consideration)“, would that make sense?

Thefreedictionary reveals a ‘to be mooted’ = suggested [at the bottom of it, under TRANSLATIONS], of which relevance I’m not sure, still it is there…

I did… and I’m right. Take the blinkers off.

That was an error, Alan. I’m sorry about that ‘malapropism’ if I can call it so. To the poster I apologize, too.
Anyhow, I understand the intricacy involved. Thanks for your convincing, gentlemanly way of differing with me.
(I have now edited and corrected the word as ‘moot’)

LOL. As anticipated.

I often laugh, perhaps, more than you, at your clutching at the straw of that sneering palindromic cliche.

Quite frankly, Lawrence I can’t really imagine our friend laughing at all. There’s so much bitterness in her comments.

Yes, but it’s too childish and incorrigible; unbecoming of her wit, wisdom and age! She had better pay heed to the papal appeal to be merciful in word and deed.