monks transported the coffee beans

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #883 [color=blue]“The History of Coffee”, question 3

Later, the news of his discovery traveled to monks at a local monastery, who used it to stay awake during the long hours of prayer. Visiting monks the coffee beans to other monasteries.

(a) transported
(b) transports
(c) transporting
(d) transport

English Language Tests, Intermediate level

ESL/EFL Test #883 [color=blue]“The History of Coffee”, answer 3

Later, the news of his discovery traveled to monks at a local monastery, who used it to stay awake during the long hours of prayer. Visiting monks transported the coffee beans to other monasteries.

Correct answer: (a) transported

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
Later, the news of his discovery traveled to monks at a local monastery, who used it to stay awake during the long hours of prayer. Visiting monks transports the coffee beans to other monasteries.

why trasports is used?

Visiting monks transports the coffee beans to other monasteries.
Why transports is used?

Transport = carry
‘Transported’ is the correct answer. You can see it written above your incorrect answer.