Missing words in English

Hi, English is missing some words that are present in other languages. Here is a link with emotions that English cannot name exactly:

popsci.com/science/article/2 … nfographic

And here are some other concepts that English does not have a word for:

sobadsogood.com/2012/04/29/25-wo … n-english/

Although I would say Bakku-shan (Japanese) means “butterface”

One other word missing from English would be a parent whose children have all died - sort of a parallel to “orphan”.

Are there any other words you can think of?

The English language misses an equivalent to the German word ‘doch’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: House painting[YSaerTTEW443543]

How about: bootylicious :))

They say that no perfect equivalent exists in English for the Romanian “dor”.
That is: missing someone, something or somewhere; the sense of longing for someone, something or some place. I don’t know, “longing” seems close enough to me.

I don’t think so: while “bootylicious” is a compliment, “butterface” is not! Or is it? :wink:

Seriously, “bootylicious” does not suggest that there is something wrong with the face of the person so labeled – “butterface” does.

(Hmm… Is the above sentence odd? Maybe “labeled” is the wrong word there? Help!)

It seems from what you say that the Welsh ‘hiraeth’ fits the Romanian expression. ‘Longing’ just isn’t strong enough to express the intensity of the feeling.

So it is different than “nostalgia”? I suppose nostalgia would not apply to longing for someone. And perhaps nostalgia is not as intense?

Did you see that hiraeth was included in the infographic in the first link? It defined it as “Homesickness tinged with grief or sadness over the lost or departed and the earnest desire for the Wales of the past.”

What about “pining” or “pine”?
It is defined as extreme longing.
The dictionary also goes on to indicate that “pine” is archaic

Still not intense enough, Tort. By the way, you seem you have managed to combine my quote with Cristina’s in a way that makes it sound as if I’m contradicting myself and spouting even more rubbish than usual! :wink:


Ops, sorry, clumsy me!
I’ve corrected my post. :))

Right, apparently none of your words is strong enough to convey the intensity of the feeling. But I’d better stop here, because I risk making a mess of it. :slight_smile:

A German word that doesn’t have an equivalent in English and Russian is ‘Feierabend’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Bricklaying[YSaerTTEW443543]

In Australia, they say “beer o’clock” for “Feierabend”. Cracks me up!


I must say Sheila, it cracks me up too!

Crikey! We had way too many clocks . . . look at the beer. Not even a butcher left!


Can you say that in Australian?




This is to appreciate Alan for voice recording here! It’s a earnest request to others, if possible, to record their voices too!

With warm regards,


Here is another similar article: theweek.com/article/index/238751 … equivalent

Hopefully some native speakers can verify the definitions of some of these words.

Romanian has a word for “the day after tomorrow” too: “poimâine”. Seriously, how come English doesn’t have a word like that?!

Hmm… sandwich filling? NO?

That is actually translated by Google Translate as “bitch” – Pardon my French! :wink: