Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to you all.

Kind regards.

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And happy, healthy and prosperous New Year 2017 to you all.

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Christmas Songs and their limited lyrics should be ideal for learning English :slight_smile:

Rich Poor Happy or Sad well first you’ve gotta get home(if you have one)

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You can say that again.
I couldn’t agree more.

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Merry Christmas to you all!

Santa Claus is here, he aways is, on Christmas Eve!

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My Dears! It is a commonly known fact that during Christmas Eve the miracles happen. And the animals speak human language. I spent Christmas Eve with my daughter. Their cat not only had purred with pleasure, that he got a new sleeping box, but also had played Christmas carols on the piano.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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Hello Alicja, thank you very much for sharing your Christmas thoughts and even photos with us. Can you please tell us the name of this lovely cat? Where and how did she learn to play the piano and how often does gives concerts?

TOEIC short conversations: Two patients talk about their health problems

Dear Torsten:-)
Thank You for your nice message. I feel honored of it. It is politely that you was interested in our cat. You expressed your opinion in the funny way( what I like it);-). But I am going to answer seriously;-).The cat is young. It is1,5 year old. The piano was given to my granddaughter as a Christmas gift. Cat did inauguration of the piano by plaing on it. Earlier it had no chance because there was no piano in the flat. It was mistery of Christmas Eve what gave such power to animal.
I am curious how its musical talent will be developing. Who knows? Perhaps it will pursuit your idea and cat is going to give the piano concert? Everything is ahead of us. I will let you know! Its name is Kimczi. It is a little complicated and i had to sent the question abroad where my daughter is skiing with family.:-*)

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