Meanings: 'use a little extra money', 'removing from power'

Dear Teachers,

I read these sentences:

“Our father tried to sell his body back to his brother. One can always use a little extra money in the Vatican coffers.”

Is this saying that the money in the Vatican coffers is never enough? (that they are greedy)

“I have been busy removing from power the various arrogant lords of Romagna. I’m looking to consolidate my power before my father dies.”

What does “remove from power” mean?

1-- Yes, but not necessarily greedy; it depends on the state of the Vatican economy at this point in history. They could be greedy, but maybe they really need money.

2-- remove from power = remove from their (powerful) jobs or positions. Remove may mean fire or reassign… or assassinate, if this is Renaissance Europe.

Thanks! … So, when we want to say someone doesn’t have enough money, can we say “He can use a little extra money”? It sounds strange to me… :?
The “removing from power” sentence also sounds grammatically strange to me. For example, shouldn’t it be “I have been busy removing power from the various arrogant lords of Romagna”?

1-- Yes, in conversation that is fine. We often use it of people who do not have an adequate income. My brother moonlights as a bouncer because he can use the extra money.

2-- Also OK in the original. Your suggested change is not native. They were removed from power. Mr. Bush is in power now. The Loyal Opposition are out of power until the next election. The Taliban seized power in Afghanistan. Here, power = position of control = the political control a person or group has in a country.