Meaning: would you mind

In which situation “would you mind” is supposed to use
when we stop or ask somthing :?:
[color=darkblue]would you mind discussing such a ridiculous topic.
does it mean ‘stop ridiculous topic’

which one is right sentence.
[color=darkblue]would you mind giving you some change
would you mind if i give you some change

so if i want to stop someone discussing ridiculous topic.
i would say
[color=blue]would you mind stop discussing such a ridiculous topic.
is it right?

To stop the discussion you should say:
Would you mind not discussing such a ridiculous topic.

Your first sentence is not correct. This would be correct:
Would you mind my giving you some change?


Dear Amy

What about:

1- Would you mind if I gave you some change?

Isn’t it like:

2- Would you mind my giving you some change?



Hi Tom

Yes, the two sentences have the same meaning.

Would you mind if I gave you some change?” is also the way you would learn this construction in a grammar book. (i.e., using gave rather than give after “would you mind”)

The more informal version of the question is: “Do you mind if I give you some change?
