Meaning of 'Well, take the times when everything freezes'

Hi Alan!

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-12 “We went on holiday”, question 4

Do you know where the President of America ?

(a) leaves
(b) lives
(c) live
(d) inhabits

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-12 “We went on holiday”, answer 4

Do you know where the President of America lives?

Correct answer: (b) lives

Do you know where the President of America lives.
Please explain why there is live with “s” if it is a question. According to grammatical rules it is not correct?!

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-14 “Computers”, question 6

Well, take the times when everything .

(a) frozen
(b) freezing
(c) freezes
(d) frees

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-14 “Computers”, answer 6

Well, take the times when everything freezes.

Correct answer: (c) freezes

Please explain the sentence "Well, take the times when everything freezes " because i can’t guess the meaning. Help please, thanks Iza


The question part is ‘Do you know’ and the part beginning ‘where the President lives’ is the object of ‘know’ - it is a statement not a question. A question would be ‘Where does the President live?’

Your other question is about ‘take the times when everything freezes’. This means: look at those times(occasions) when everything freezes/ stops working.
Let me tell you about the times (occasions) when everything freezes/stops working.


everything freezes is some kind of idiom meaning everything stop working, but in what sense stops working- finish work after a shift or go on retirement:)? sorry i dont get it, plz explain with an example if possible. Thank You very much, bye

Hi Iza,

In the given context the computer freezes or rather the picture you see on the computer screen freezes. This means there is no movement because the computer doesn’t work.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Washing windows[YSaerTTEW443543]

Why can’t be: inhabits? please tell me the difference between inhabits and lives?

yes, why?

I am not clear inhabits and lives.
Can you explain me?


If you want to know where someone’s home is, you would say: Where do you live?

‘Inhabit’ is more used to express the idea of occupy a place/country/area as an inhabitant. It is often used in the passive form as in:

The country is inhabited mainly by people who have come from other parts of the world.


Now I understand difference between “to live” and “to inhabit”. Thank you.

anyone can explain for me. what are the difference to these words? leaves,lives and live? I’ll wait for answer.


‘Leaves’ can be the plural of the noun ‘leaf’ (of a tree). It can be the third person singular present of the verb ‘leave’ meaning ‘go away from’. ‘Lives’ can be the plural of the noun ‘life’ and also the third person singular present of the verb ‘live’.


sir thank you very much for the answer, now i know. … but i confuse. what iam going to use? know or knew?.. everyone are welcome to answer.


‘Now I know’ is fine.


can we tell Do you know where doese the President of America live ?

Hi Samy:

Can we say, not ‘can we tell’…

You have mixed up two questions:

“Do you know where the President of America lives?”
"Where does the President of America live?

‘American President’ seems more natural to me than ‘President of America’ (but then I’m not American).

thanks :slight_smile:

Do you know where the President of America lives?

if we choose leaves , it will take also for ?

Do you know where the President of America leaves for?

No. You need to take care to distinguish correctly between ‘lives’ (where his home is) and ‘leaves’ (goes somewhere).

Hi Lili,

Just a word about the way these two verbs are pronounced:


