Meaning of "walk"

“Walking and rocking your pelvis will probably feel most comfortable during the first stage of labour.”

What does “walk” mean in this context?

Hi apo

It seems to be the ordinary meaning for ‘walk’ (i.e. an activity similar to running but slower). :lol:


Hi, Amy,

But how can one “walk” one’s pelvis? I can hardly picture this…

Hi apo
Under the first stage of labour I understand (initial) labour pains,birth pangs that gradually become often, the interval between them gradually increase. You know this state can even last for hours, that’s why to relieve the pain it’s better to walk up and down the room…

Hi apo

In your sentence there are two verbs and two different actions: walk and rock. I’m not sure the writer of the sentence necessarily meant that the two actions happen at the same time – although that might be what is meant. You can also ‘rock your pelvis’ while standing (i.e. without walking), for example.

When I think about the words “rocking your pelvis” without any other context, I picture Elvis Presley. Have you ever seen video of Elvis on stage “rocking his pelvis”? :smiley:

‘Rocking your pelvis’ would involve a sort of swinging or rolling motion in that area of your body. And the simple act of walking would also result in some “rocking” in the pelvic area.


I hold “walk” and “rocking your pelvis” to be two separate actions.

And in my sentence, “two” is redundant.


Yes, I think so, too, Mr. Hehe. In fact, you can even google pictures of “pelvic rocks”. :smiley:

that is hilarious