Meaning of "strip city" (strip cities)

Hi everyone,

I encountered the word “strip city / strip cities” in a passage before. I tried to looked it up in the dictionary and search in google, but no satisfactory result was found. What is the meaning of strip cities anyway?

Thanks in advance.


yes, you are right. it might be used in different context… however, if you provide me the passage carrying the words ‘strip city’, i might be able to explain. However, it might mean ‘the city which are located near offshore/beach’ or something like that… however, i am also confused.


Sorry for my long post. Here’s the full sentence that I found.

‘A person commuting between Detroit and Chicago, or between
San Fransisco and Los Angeles,so-called strip cities, may spend
only a relatively short time in the air while spending several hours
getting to and from the airport.’

luckily, the questions asked about the passage do not need one to know this phrase. It is truly an annoying error.
It could mean, strip like strip mall or along a shore, long and narrow. This maybe one of those American-British differences.
I look some more…

In the context of the passage, I would guess that it means cities that are in locations forming a strip in a flight path. For instance, NYC, Philadelphia, Washington DC.

I have never heard this expression and google yields nothing.