Meaning of shrink to think

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-31 “Responses (4)”, question 1

Mike: ‘Do you know what I did last night?’
Jane: ‘

(a) I shrink to think.
(b) I don’t think.
(c) I will not think.
(d) I do not think.

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-31 “Responses (4)”, answer 1

Mike: ‘Do you know what I did last night?’
Jane: ‘I shrink to think.

Correct answer: (a) I shrink to think.

Does it mean that she doesn’t want to know what he did last night? Or that she is thinking very hard about what he could have done?

This is a semi humorous/sarcastic remark that means she hesitates to think in case it’s something she doesn’t want to know about.

more explanation please