meaning of "Paper back"

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-50 “Papers”, question 10

Her first novel was a huge success and it was only a few weeks after publication that the paper came out.

(a) side
(b) edition
(c) back
(d) book

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-50 “Papers”, answer 10

Her first novel was a huge success and it was only a few weeks after publication that the paper back came out.

Correct answer: (c) back

Hello Alan! I didn’t find out it! …Paper back
Explain please! Thank you
Pupil :oops:


A book is usually published as a hardback first and then it is sold in a cheaper version as a paperback, which is the sort available in airports for example.


Hi Alan! Thank you
Pupil :lol:

Cookery book Jerusalem
hardback or hard cover

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition: DSM-5 [Paperback]