Meaning of opposite, opposing, opposed


based on these two opposite concepts,… bla-bla-bla…
based on these two opposing concepts,… bla-bla-bla…
based on these two opposed concepts,… bla-bla-bla…

To be honest, I cannot differ the meanings…

Could you comment the difference (if any)? (how those oppos… (s) sound to you, in comparison.)

Hi Tamar,

You say you cannot differentiate between the different meanings. I’ll have a go:

I will change the noun to make my point and say:

opposite/opposing/opposed points of view

Opposite here suggests that the view is fixed in its opposition to another view - this is a statement of fact and describes the state of opposition.

Opposing gives the idea of an active opposition. Two politicians have opposing points of view on a particular issue and they are now in the process of showing this opposition - they are doing something about it.

Opposed points of view in contrast is expressed in a passive construction and to be fully understood should be expressed that way as in: Their views on global warning have been opposed by the other political parties.

Hope this helps



Then I’ll stick to ‘opposite concepts’ (as they are fixed and ‘static’), but
to ‘opposing approaches’ (for top-down vs bottom-up development methodologies).

Thank you, Alan!

getting to the point, so clear…i am opposed to all the opposing opposites…hehe