Meaning of "get-rich-quick scheme"

Please help me.

What does it mean?

“a get-rich-quick scheme”


Please help me.

What does it mean?

“a get-rich-quick scheme”


I think " A wonderful or best scheme that will going to useful for others"

In other words." A useful scheme".


Hi mlngvt,

This means a scheme whereby you can make a lot of money very quickly. A company for example could advertise by asking you to invest a certain amount of money and they say they will guarantee that your money (investment) will be doubled in 3 months - that is a get rich quick scheme and usually such schemes make people suspicious.


Thanks teacher,
I understand very clearly now. :smiley:

I agree with Alan, except for this: Most of the time you can’t make a lot of money from get-rich-quick schemes. Instead, someone else makes a lot of money from you. Most get-rich-quick schemes are not real, and the advice most experts give on them is, “If it seems too good to be true, it is.”

Hi Jamie, I absolutely agree with what you are saying and this is also how I understand Alan’s answer. You can get rich quickly if you have the right plan and create a lot of value for other people fast. But this is not the concept of ‘get rich quick schemes’. They appeal to people who give in to the temptation to make a lot of money without working for it.
Interestingly enough, Wikipedia says that there are two categories of ‘get rich quick schemes’ - legal and illegal ones saying that multilevel marketing or network marketing schemes are ‘get rich schemes’. I think, network marketing or multilevel marketing is not a ‘get rich scheme’ because for the vast majority of people who get involved in those programs it simply is impossible to make any money at all, let alone to get rich.
Do you have any experience with network marketing or multilevel marketing? What do you think of it?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: A business partner cancels an appointment by leaving a voice mail message[YSaerTTEW443543]